#summershareCLT is a two week campaign (July 13-26) encouraging everyone in Charlotte to do something positive for the community by either donating either goods or funds to one of 51 members of the #summershareCLT collaborative. Peace Passers is honored to be a part of this collaborative push that will drive awareness for a variety of non-profits in our area. Be sure to check out www.summershareCLT.org to support Peace Passers or give a gift to the Charlotte community.
Huge shout out to Share Charlotte for the media opportunity this morning with WCCB Charlotte and Wilson’s World.
Wake Forest University MBA stars!
So grateful to these amazing Wake Forest University MBA students Blair, Alex, & Leonard. These three talented students applied learnings in the classroom to a real life organization…Peace Passers! They dedicated their time and talents thru the Spring semester developing an improved business strategy for Peace Passers. Sending huge congratulations (& thanks!) to this trio for turning in their Global Strategic Management paper tonight!
Forever thankful for these world changers. Excited to begin working on the new and improved journey ahead for Peace Passers!
From Charlotte to Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Wendy stopped by in Charlotte today to pick up soccer cleats and balls that she will take to Nicaragua next week. Wendy and her husband Eric are a missionaries in Matagalpa, Nicaragua and are helping sponsor a pastor and local soccer team to help keep kids off the street and out of gangs. Thankful for passionate people like the Harbinson’s who are living their life in service of others. Soccer is more than just a game!
Giving the Gift of Play
Story submitted by Richard Williams who led a mission team from Matthews United Methodist Church in Charlotte, NC to work with Oasis Ministry in Belize.
“I wanted to tell you a story about the soccer balls from Peace Passers. We delivered 16 soccer balls to 4 schools in Belize. One of the schools was in Spanish Lookout, near the capital city of Belmopan.
There were about 150 children (K-6th grade) at this particular school. After a 10 minute positive message talk with the kids we brought out the soccer balls. This was a very special moment to see their eyes light up!
We then took 7 soccer balls out on the field and played with the children for about 20-30 minutes. As I was leaving the teacher asked me if we were going to leave the soccer balls. She explained to me that the younger kids don’t get to play soccer at recess because they only have two balls for the entire school. When the teacher learned we would be leaving the soccer balls for the younger kids school she was thrilled to know that her kids would have the opportunity to play!”
Sawol Sponsorship
Peace Passers is thrilled to announce a new sponsorship with the soccer company Sawol! www.sawolsoccer.com
“Sawol” is an acronym which stands for “Soccer, a way of Life” The Sawol team believes that soccer is much more than merely a sport or a pastime. Soccer is a universal language that unites all cultures. Soccer is truly a “way of life.”
The Sawol team is dedicated to enhancing the soccer culture in the United States and around the World. At the heart of the Sawol company is a passion for helping to give back.
Applying their philanthropic business approach, Sawol and has committed to donating a percentage of product sales to Peace Passers.
Peace Passers is stoked about the partnership and the opportunity to help to promote and share the beautiful game together!
Check out your newest favorite soccer brand @ www.sawolsoccer.com
MVLA Soccer Club
Brett Harbinson with Project 658
The City of Charlotte is a better place because of people like Brett Harbinson. Brett stopped by to pick up soccer cleats from Peace Passers. The cleats will be used to help support the development of soccer and sports programs with the refugee community here in Charlotte, NC.
The programs with Project658 serve people from approximately 20 different nationalities, all of which speak different languages and have different customs. Soccer is a way to build relationships and community among people from many different backgrounds. Check out the amazing work of Project658.com
Kajiado Children’s Home
Thank you to Gaye List for stopping by Peace Passers tonite and picking up soccer gear that will support the development of organized soccer teams at the Kajiado Children’s Home. The orphanage is located in the Rift Valley region of Kenya at Kajiado which is about 75 km due south from Nairobi. Since opening in 1997, the home has provided loving care, shelter, medical and educational needs for AIDS/HIV orphaned children as well as children suffering the effects of social and economic deprivation. To learn more check out http://hope4kajiado.com
Special thanks to recent gear donor Anna Garf from Massachussets. She organized a service project collection for her Bat Mitzvah and shipped the 2 large boxes to Charlotte of soccer balls, cleats, and jerseys. The items will be headed to Kenya with Gaye and the 18 member team traveling to Kajiado Children’s home June 2015.
Also included in the gear that Gaye will take to Kenya are the Queens University of Charlotte soccer jerseys. Looking forward to seeing all of the Peace Passers gear put back into play!
MYSA’s Team Gale Force
One of my favorite things about Peace Passers is this: Soccer players across the U.S. who have recognized their ability to give back and make a difference in the world. Team Gale Force from McMinnville, Oregon is a brilliant example of how dedication, commitment, and teamwork can be executed both on and off the soccer pitch. This is a story that deserves to be told on the worldwide loudspeaker!
In August Team Gale Force needed to buy new jerseys for their team. New jerseys are always awesome, but the really awesome part is they didn’t just think about themselves.
“In addition to raising funds to buy gear for our team, we decided beforehand to make it a service project as well. Before the boys even started, they pledged to donate half of what they raised to a charity that would give to those less fortunate”– Judy Ryan, BU12 Team Manager.
Team Gale Force raised over $2,000 as a result of their fundraising efforts. The players then dedicated half of the fundraising, $1038.50, directly to Peace Passers!! Words cannot express the amount of gratitude that I have for the players, coaches, family members & McMinnville community that participated in such an inspiring fundraiser. Peace Passers is a grass roots organization driven by your generous support and shared passion for the beautiful game. On behalf of Peace Passers and footballers around the world, thank you for your participation in passing the Peace. May the Gale Force always be with you!