Women’s Team Represents PeacePassers.org
The Peace Passers Women’s Soccer team is based out of Charlotte, NC and is comprised of post-collegiate female soccer players who continue to keep soccer a priority. The women commit to maintaining the highest level of fitness to compete while also balancing careers and family life. Using a unique approach to marketing for PeacePassers.org, Candace Murray (Peace Passers Director, Co-Founder) and her teammates help represent the organization by entering tournament play and local leagues using the team name ‘Peace Passers
The players have competed in local leagues and tournaments together since 2003. Beyond the seasonal play in Charlotte with SportsLink the team travels together playing on a variety of pitch surfaces ranging from 6 v 6, full field and beach soccer tournaments with Major Beach Soccer and NASSC.
Each player on the Peace Passers women’s team recognizes the influence soccer has brought to their lives, for that reason they want to help bring philanthropic awareness to the organization. Through the team’s tournament play they are able to compete in the sport they love while representing a charity that creates positive impact for the world’s game!
A huge thank you to this special group of women for representing the mission of Peace Passers and especially to the players that donate financially to support the cause!
Check out PHOTOS of the players in action
Cori and Friends Take Silver in International Beach Soccer Tourney
If you would like to help support Peace Passers by wearing the screen print logo on your local team jersey please contact Candace at peacepassersinfo@gmail.com