29 on the 29th!

Kristin Bird-Norman and FamilyEmanating creativity at its’ finest, Kristin Bird-Norman is turning 29 years-old on December 29th, 2008.  Welcoming in her 29th year in a rightful way, Kristin is yet another example of someone who recognizes the joy found in giving.

In place of typical birthday gifts, guests were invited to the celebration and encouraged to bring 29 soccer equipment donations to support PeacePassers.

We would like to thank the Norman family & all the b-day friends for their support! The PeacePassers team wishes Kristin a very happy birthday, and may your 29th year in 2009 be filled with continued blessings.

party and presents

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

Con buenas ondas (“With good vibes”)
Candace & The PeacePassers Team