Soccer Balls for Honduran Children

Recently (July, 2010) a group of 10 members from Unity Presbyterian Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina, traveled to Honduras on a mission trip through PC USA. They carried a supply of soccer balls, shoes, cones from Peace Passers to the children there. This Presbyterian team helped build houses in a small village called Copantle, in the Department of Copan. Some of the balls were given to the school in this community.

Unity church honduras soccer balls

Emily Morris of Unity Presbyterian Church in Fort Mill, SC presents a soccer ball to the children of the small community of Copantle in Honduras. Soccer equipment provided by Peace Passers were donated to the school in Copantle.

The majority of the equipment from Peace Passers, along with shirts and shoes brought by the Unity team were give to a boy’s home in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. The boy’s home, called El Hogar Diamante, provides training in a safe, educational environment for orphaned boys and for boys whose families cannot care for them. “The soccer balls brought great joy to the children we met in Honduras. We were thankful for the partnership with Peace Passers,” stated Joyce Sullivan, the leader of the Unity team.