Hope for Angola

We are always excited to see photographs of the receiving end for Peace Passers soccer equipment. Thanks to missionary Josh Kimball we have plenty of smiles to share from the youth in Angola, a country located in south-central Africa. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angola).

Josh picked up 20 soccer balls this summer while passing through Charlotte, NC for a friend’s wedding. The soccer balls were donated to Peace Passers by Chris Goodrum, (a fellow YMCA employee) who found out about our organization as an avenue to distribute equipment to global communities. Believe it or not the soccer balls were donated to us because the original purchasing company logo was misprinted. This is yet another example of ‘new, used, misprinted’ items that can still be put to great use!

If you’d like to learn more about the work done in Angola visit Hope For Angola: http://www.hopeforangola.org/home.html Josh Kimball is currently studying at the Capernwray Bible School in Lancashire Enlgand. We wish him the best of luck & continued good efforts in pursuing the shared passion of soccer worldwide.
Also be sure to check out more photos from Angola on our fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/peacepassers